Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Bakugan. Other Humans

Miyoko Kuso (空操 美代子(くうそう みよこ)): Dan's mother.

Shinjiro Kuso (空操 信二郎(くうそう しんじろう)) Dan's father.

Saki Misaki (美咲 早紀(みさき さき)) Runo's mother.

Tatsuo Misaki (美咲 達夫(みさき たつお)) Runo's father.

Shoko Marukuma (丸蔵 祥子(まるくら しょうこ)) Marucho's mother.

Kia marukuma Marucho's Father

Shiori Kazami (風見 栞(かざみ しおり)): Shun's mother.

Miss.Purdy: Dan's female class teacher.

Dr. Michael Gehahbich (ミヒャエル・ゲーハビッチ)/Hal-G(ハル・ゲー): Alice's grandfather. He took Alice's bakugan card so she couldn't battle with bakugan. He is an elderly researcher in his fifties and was the first human to discover a portal between an alternate universe, known as Vestroia, and the human world. One day, a dimensional transporter experiment sent Michael to Vestroia, where he met Naga. When he returned to Earth, 6 months had passed. Cards and Bakugans appeared on Earth during his absence, then he discovered the mechanism allowing Bakugan to be released on Earth via the battles. When he re-entered Vestroia, Michael was quickly sucked up by the evil force of the Silent Core and transformed into a megalomaniac scientist known as Hal-G. As Hal-G, he immediately recruited Masqerade in an attempt to help him destroy all the Bakugan standing in his way, by obtaining the Infinity Core.

Kato: Marucho's butler that debuted in episode 14.


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